La Dominatrice

alcool : 8.5%
Type : Inspired by Dominique, our apprentice brewer
Particularity: Brewed with Dominique, one of our waiters
Eyes: Dark brown with reddish shades
Nose: Malts, cookies and alcohol
Taste: Round and smooth, a little woody, roasted, dry fruits, alcohol, malty and a discreet bitter aftertaste

This beer is part of the waiters’ and waitresses’ apprentice brewer series. It was brewed with Dominique. Every member of our working team was invited to let themselves be inspired by a style of beer or specific aromas. Each and everyone have the privilege to name and brew his or her beer from A to Z with the brewer who has developed a special recipe.

This beer was created on October 17th 2013.
It is composed of 5 varieties of cereals, 2 varieties of hops and organic blue agave’s syrup.

Comforting as well as reinvigorating, it will dominate the cold winter days with its warming alcohol.